It's actually a simple process to set up your own blog and start making money. You can get the whole thing set up in about 3 to 5 minutes, no joke. Just do the following and you are on your way: go to and then the system will ask you for a blog title and then a blog address or URL. Searching for a URL that is not taken is probably the only delay you will run into. Besides there are many other blogging services too, such as and etc.
In fact, most of these programs don't even require a budding blogger to learn coding or programming to create a simple, yet attractive new blog.
Technical knowledge, skill or experience is not required to become a blogger and have your own successful
money making blog once you have a blogging strategy in place. Most people with average skills can put together a simple three to four page blog in just a few hours of tinkering with a brand new program and following their instructions .
Getting a brand new site up and running is not really a mystery. But, what has many bloggers stumped and stuck is finding the best way to let people know that their new blog is now online and ready for visitors. There won't be any visitors and any work put into the site will go unnoticed until internet surfers know that it your new blog is now on-line.
For people who are building a personal blog and who will send out an email to all their friends and family to view their new blog, this is probably not even a problem and they perhaps might even prefer that strangers don't find it. But, the lack of blog traffic can be discouraging for bloggers who have worked hard, even if it was only a few hours, to put up a new site with some good web content in order to help promote their business or to try to start selling something online.
All too often, someone with plans to
make money blogging will complete their new blog and then sit back and check their stats hourly, only to see that the only one visiting the site is the blogger himself, or the search engine spiders. However, if there is some activity from those spiders from the search engines, then at least there is some hope.
One thing every blogger must learn to do is to utilize proper
search engine optimization, or
SEO techniques. This is the part that can be much more complex and time consuming to learn than the technical aspects of building a webpage and taking care of the blog hosting. SEO entails a number of things, in order to attract the attention of those search engine spiders and get them to index the site with a high ranking.
Some of these blogs go into great detail about how to do proper search engine optimization. With time and patience, even a new blogger can take the information they can find about search engine optimization and apply it to their blog and eventually they will start to see their site climb the Google results for certain keywords and phrases.
Identifying the primary keywords for a blog is one of the first steps in search engine optimization and bloggers must figure out what search terms, or keywords, people might use to find their site. At that point they can begin to make changes to the content and on-page elements. Traffic will start coming to the site and blog statistics will improve.