Tuesday, April 28, 2009

FatCow Hosting Review

FatCow is a web hosting provider who has strong presence in the industry. The FatCow hosting company has been in business since 1998. From the beginning they wanted to provide their own twist to the hosting industry. They have been successful in creating their own niche.

FatCow offers a variety of web services including: shared hosting, domain registration and ecommerce services. They offer an all-inclusive hosting solution as well as a MiniMoo plan for those who are preparing to launch a website in the near future. There is also a full service hosting plan offering reliability, function and power. They offer quality customer support for potential and current hosting customers. The price for a hosting plan is low, however, the quality and function of the hosting solutions are high.

FatCow stands out from other hosting companies offering their own unique image. They offer a hosting package that is only $66 per year. The plan features unlimited disk space and unlimited bandwidth. This FatCow plan offers a shopping cart and site building tools as well as 5 MySQL databases. Assortments of interactive applications are also available. A 30-Day Money Back Guarantee and reliable customer support back all plans.

The MiniMoo plan is also available for web users who are in the process of creating a website but do not need full hosting options yet. This page offers an email account and email forwarding. The option is also available for MiniMoo users to place a coming soon page to notify web users that their website is under construction. The MiniMoo Plan is only $5 per year.

FatCow offers reliable and secure hosting solutions. The data center includes a power generator, 24/7 network monitoring and even daily backups. They have staff onsite that are able to handle any problems that occur. The technicians are skilled as well as knowledgeable.

One avid reviewer gave Fatcow an astounding five over five points as a new user. This reviewer has mentioned in his article that he was very impressed with customer support. Being a somewhat techie enthusiasts, he mentions that he only had to wait for a maximum of two minutes in order to get his live chat request answered. He was very impressed with the competent tech staff that had helped him seamlessly migrate all five of his other domains to Fatcow. For him, this is what counts the most because he has the tech support he needs to manage all his different accounts under one reliable and competent web hosting company.

How To Make Money Blogging

There are millions of blogs on the internet today, but do you know that most of them are out there earning money for their owners? it is not easy to make successful and profitable blogs. Many people start out wrongly and eventually give up before they can create a good income stream for themselves.

You must first decide what you want to blog about, but it has to be a niche where there is potential to make money from. This is the topic that your one whole blog will be filled with. Never use a blog to talk about totally different, unrelated things. Whichever topic you choose, remember that you do not necessarily need to be very knowledgeable about it at first. The most important aspect is that it has to have profit potential, because we are blogging to make money.

Next, you need to decide where you want to host your blog. I would highly recommend Wordpress since it is free and has many useful tools, plugins and functions that make the entire setup and writing process easier. Other popular platforms you can consider include Blogger, Movabletype and Typepad.

After setting up your blog, you will need to drive traffic to it. This is too big a topic to be covered here, and the Atomic Blogging System has some of the latest and most powerful methods. This human traffic refers to readers who will visit your blog, and this is the most essential part that many bloggers get wrong.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

How to Generate Traffic To Your Blog

With the growing interest in blogging as a means of online promotion and branding, a lot of marketers are starting blogs to promote their opinions, products, books and services.

But a blog is like a website. "Write and they will come" isn't exactly a magic formula to bring in traffic by the boatload. If you need to promote your website in order to build traffic to it, you need to promote your blog as well.

Write posts that people will want to read. This should be common sense, but many marketers tend to forget that their readers are real people and that you need to use the principles of online copywriting to make your headlines and copy interesting to your readers. If you write posts that people enjoy reading, they will reward you by returning to your blog regularly.

One of the most important things you can do to keep a steady flow of traffic going to your blog, is to update it on a regular basis. Ideally, it's best if you update your blog at least 2 or 3 times a week, and even better if you can do it daily. There are a couple of advantages to this; one is that you will gain a following of readers who will continually return to your blog, and two is that you will be feeding the search engines, thus, maintaining your ranking.

Invite your readers to connect with you on StumbleUpon and Facebook. You can never ever have too many friends on SU and Facebook. Inviting existing readers to find you on these services with a post should take less than 20 minutes.

Optimize Your Posts for Search Engines. Make sure your blog URL contains the primary keyword you want to optimize for; Use your primary keywords in the title of your post; Use your secondary keywords in the body of your post; Use your keywords in the anchor text of links in the body of your posts.

Subscribe to the feeds of your industry’s major players. That way, you won’t miss important news releases. When news breaks in your industry, there will be a lot of extra traffic searching for information on the event. Adding your thoughts will almost always generate extra traffic. Subscribing to the feeds of your industry’s top sites should take no more than 15 minutes.

There are many different ways to market your blog and gain more visitors which will eventually allow you to make money through blog-based affiliate marketing. The key to making money through affiliate programs or other forms of advertising is traffic, which is simply the sheer number of visitors who arrive at your blog daily. In terms of affiliate marketing, the more visitors you have, the more opportunities or capacity you will have to recommend or successively promote any products, services or websites.