Tuesday, April 28, 2009

How To Make Money Blogging

There are millions of blogs on the internet today, but do you know that most of them are out there earning money for their owners? it is not easy to make successful and profitable blogs. Many people start out wrongly and eventually give up before they can create a good income stream for themselves.

You must first decide what you want to blog about, but it has to be a niche where there is potential to make money from. This is the topic that your one whole blog will be filled with. Never use a blog to talk about totally different, unrelated things. Whichever topic you choose, remember that you do not necessarily need to be very knowledgeable about it at first. The most important aspect is that it has to have profit potential, because we are blogging to make money.

Next, you need to decide where you want to host your blog. I would highly recommend Wordpress since it is free and has many useful tools, plugins and functions that make the entire setup and writing process easier. Other popular platforms you can consider include Blogger, Movabletype and Typepad.

After setting up your blog, you will need to drive traffic to it. This is too big a topic to be covered here, and the Atomic Blogging System has some of the latest and most powerful methods. This human traffic refers to readers who will visit your blog, and this is the most essential part that many bloggers get wrong.

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